I think I promised it a loonnnggg time ago....
Some pictures of my studio...up in the attick of our house.
Well, today I thought it was time for sharing it with you (since I just cleaned it and it looked so neat LOL)
I also thought these pictures really can chear one up...
And isn't that just what one needs on a cloudy gray sunday??
Hope you liked it!
Enjoy you sunday...
Love it - very cheery indeed. Thanks for sharing.
Great colour mix, Erna. A great Sunday to you too!
Great colour mix, Erna. A great Sunday to you too!
Great colour mix, Erna. A great Sunday to you too!
You have some beautiful fabrics! Yes a neat room is wonderful. I am working on mine and hope to be able to show it in a couple of days too. Cherrie
Heb je wel plek voor nieuwe stofjes LOL
I like it?
I love it!
Als ik dat zo zie krijg ik meteen zin om aan de slag te gaan, en nog zulke leuke lieve stofjes ook !
Oh Erna, I liked it a LOT!!! the colours in your room are so richa nd wonderful.
You have a lovely, happy studio. And the fabrics are gorgeous.
Oh Erna, that is the most gorgeous and happy space! You must get a smile on your face every time you walk in....
Wonderful, all those colours and patterns together!
Nou, ik word hier helemaal blij van!Heerlijk al de vrolijke kleurtjes van die stofjes en gezellige spulletjes! Daar wordt ik hebberig van!
Groetjes Raquel
Oh, I LOVE it!!!!! What a great place to work! Wow, how lovely, what else can I say !!!!
Have a nice day,
Wauw, wat een super werkplek zeg, al die vrolijke kleuren en stoffen! Ik word er helemaal jaloers van!
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