When I was visiting a good friend and she pulled all her christmas decorations out of a box, offered me a gluhwein and we started decorating her house I said : 'And now we have to chop a tree from the woods and bring it home on a sledge...' In a manner like 'that's not, never going to happen! I went home and when I looked outside... and suddenly it was snowing! So you know, I just had to go outside, take the sledge and the kids and go to the forest...

And exactly that is what we did...well almost exactly if you replace 'the forest' by 'the nearest petrol-station where they sell trees'. So while pulling the sledge I told the kids about a the 'boswachter' who knows everything about the forest, the animals that live there and which trees can be chopped and which not. And that's why he brings the trees to the petrol station for us so we can have a tree anyway.

After a lot of pulling and resting and throwing snow balls and some more pulling we arrived to our warm and cosy home with :
a real tree from the forest
bought from the 'boswachter'
pulled home by my big boy
on my childhood sledge (do you see my name there written by my father years and years ago...) making memories...
They are jolly clever you know, these ancient wood folk and other such like. Moving with the times and hanging out at petrol stations and all ;-)
What a lovely tradition!
Hoi Erna,
Wat ontroerend, die naam die je vader in de slee heeft gebrand. Ik wou dat ik zo'n vader had gehad.
Groetjes, Ria
Oh, wow!
it must be lovely to see your children pulling your childhood sledge
lisa x
How lovely Erna!
What lovely photos! And a wonderful tradition.
My daughter is expecting to see snow at Christmas - we are in Sydney, Australia! She is almost 3 and I think we are reading too many books set in the Northern Hemisphere...
Dit ziet er wel heel idyllisch uit!
Wow! Couldn't be better :-) We only have rain at our side of the country. I'm curious for your decoration, hopefully you're going to spend a post on those too.
your blog is so nice.kompliement!!!!
greatings conny
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