Lots of little bags...together form one 'thing'. Can you guess what? I'll have a couple of them ready by saturday.

For those of you who'll come saturday...If you are there please let me know you read my blog and I have a little suprise for you!! How about that? More sewing to be done overhere...
happy tuesday!
hi, erna!
i can't believe i'm the first leaving a comment :D
i love your bags, i have thinking a lot about making a patchwork with red and light blue, and i think it's because i have been coming over and over to your blog
i will let you know when it's done
big kisses
I thinks these little bags may have something to do with...Christmas??? I love them!
Ik ben zo benieuwd! Tot zaterdag.
Good luck for your market stall - wish I could come :) Your advent bags are most inspired - love all the red and white goodness you make.
Hi Erna,
this is extremley sweet and I wish I would have such a beautiful Adventkalender as we say here in Germany!
Have a nice day,
Oh maybe a little baggy advent countdown to christmas - totally delightful.
Hoi Erna,
ik weet ook het nederlandse woord voor adventskalender niet, maar ik vind hem wel heeel leuk. Helaas is het van duitsland uit een beetje ver om naar jullie markt toe te komen.
advent countdown bags - great idea . I love red and white
lisa x
The bags are great and I whish you a lot of succes for saturday I hope you'll take plenty of pictures and show!
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