Yesterday it was harvest time over here...And most of the harvest was yellow! pumpkins, corn, potatoes... I got this delicious recipe from a friend : pumpkin banana jam. That's the yellow lovelyness in these jars from France (thanx mom!)
The corn was cooked and eaten with some butter and salt...yum!
Wow, dat klinkt lekker...
Bewaar je een beetje voor me, voor als ik kom:)
Dikke kus Loes
i just love corn on the cob , no butter or anything just as it is yummy
lisa x
Pompoen-bananen jam?? Lijkt me heel bijzonder! Klinkt al helemaal goed, in ieder geval.
Looks wonderful Erna. Corn is Fletchers favourite. He would be at your place for dinner no worries!
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