I know I know..there's almost a week past but I still have to show you what I got from my sweet husband and children....together they made this (see above). Is'nt it lovely? I don't know the word in english but and neither do I know it in Dutch but you can see what it is! First they wanted to make it in heart-shape but since there had to be a lot of space they made this flowershape...it's based on one that made my father once when I was a little girl for mothers day. So now I not only have a nice place of displaying my threats but also a sweet memory everytime I use it...of my dear dad giving my sweet mum handmade gifts and of my lovely husband working together with my children to create a precious gift...feeling so appreciated :)

Also got this movie on dvd...since my husband works almost everynight there's no time for cinema so this is a lovely gesture. It's a dutch movie just out on dvd. like it! The little bag you see is one I made for a little game wich lost it's case :

A quartet-game by sibylle von Olfers...the drawings are so nice! It's one I also played with when I was a child.
So after all this beautiness I'm getting my kids together and on the bike to town. We'll pay a visit to the library and maybe if the weather is not to cold make an extra tour to the second hand shop to look if there are some nice vintage fabrics or baskets or buttons or.... just looking (don't think I can leave there without buying anything).
I finished the little presents for my first two commentors and going to wrap them tonight....post them tomorrow...so curious how they will react!!
bey for now! have a lovely day.
Hi there. Wat leuk om weer n nederlandse blogger te vinden :) I'm a Dutchie living in Australia. Love all the goodies you got for valentines, lovely.
Hi, thanks for dropping by my blog. I LOVE your thread holder it's just lovely - lucky you! I love the bunting and all the cherries - would love to see what you have in your shop! It's nice to meet you.
Lovely thread rack! I have been looking for something like that. I'll show my husband and kids, you never know...
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